please spend some time to read this
1. Hacking will lead you to a BAN.
2. Flaming, Spamming and Cursing = A KICK.
3 Don't ask to be a admin in the game or don't beg to be admin what ever the situation is. (level 5 is
for owners dont ask for it).
4. We select admins by looking at thier stats.
5. If you abuse you will be given a WARNING two times, next will be a kick If you still continue it, you
will be BANNED.
6. If you need cash post in general request.(we will give you according to your score.
7. Post a UNBAN Appeal if you think it was an unfair ban that you got and type in the nae of the admin
that banned you...... Weapons and Armor hack ban appeals will NOT be accepted.
8. Only use English or Urdu language in main chat or kick.
9. Respect All the admins or Moderators.
10. Don't make any clan/group without admin permission.
11. Spamming our formus will ban you on formus and server too.
12. It is a dm server car and bike's drive-by is NOT allowed.
13. Dont E-mail or PM the moderator with no reason.
[Bhd]FAQAHAT, [M]Raydre_X, ColdFire