This topic will sum up suggestions recently made that did not get enough publicity or just might of been missed by the owners.
As well some new suggestions from me.
New Suggestions :
Pimping cars - Yes you can do that already but, what if you disable the ability to get money from stunts, and basicly have credits able to convert into money, so that way I can convert like 10 credits to get 1000 dollars and add some nitro to my vehicle ect...
Gang wars economic update - Turfs are pretty useless, so my plan is to set up buisnesse's all around LS inside the turfs, that generate credits (out of thin air, no need for players to buy stuff from there or smth), and a gang which takes control of that buisness, randomly gets a percent of the credits from the buisness. For example [BR]D0c owns a 24/7 which makes 100 credits per hour, and grove took over it, so [BR]D0c gets 60 credits, and the rest of the 40 gets randomly sent to one of the grove gang members who own the area.
Aswell, if you own a weapon shop, instead of credits you will get a sniper, or uzi every hour, and when its occupied you will get only 40 percent of the bullets and the gang owns it will recieve 60 percent of the bullets, randomly sent to 1 player in the controlling gang.
Killin Mini Missions - Every hour there will be a random mini mission, like "First one to get 40 kills with deagle will recieve 140 credits". I think you get the idea so no need to expand.
Remove the spawn protection - The spawn protection causes players to be immortal for a few seconds in /arena and makes it really annoying that their hp refill, even some admins have mistaken this for health hacks.
Also why do you need spawn protection anyway, you are inside an int, none can hit you anyway.
Recently Suggested Ideas :
New Duel Arena - Preferable an int, for less lags. I would suggest something like /dm 1 in the A/D gamemode.
Remove the bat - It is useless, yes its a gang like weapon but it is only causing players to spend more time scrolling from sniper to deagle and fills up your weapon inventory. We can simply use a fist for melee. My style for example is stunning an enemy with sniper, then finishing off with deagle, and its annoying when the bat gets in the way. This idea was suggested by around 4 members and still wasn't taken care of.
New Turf system - No need to expand more, you know what I mean.