E-Thugs are just a group of people who met on a RP server, got bored of it, so we decided to show our shooting skills to the world, learning and mostly teaching others how to shoot.
[ET]Blossom : A guy from Lebanon, experienced in all fields, beast shooter, a troll in general.
[ET]Hamany : A guy from Kuwait, also experienced in all fields, great shooter, can be a heavy troll if he wants.
[ET]PapaSam : A guy from Sweden, heavily experienced, highly experienced in the field of guns and shooting.
[ET]PapaOlaf : A Dutch guy who is eager to learn arabic at all costs, great shooter, troll, a true E-thug.
[ET]Killa : A guy from the Marley land who became one of the great shooters on lssw, experienced nigga.
[ET]Jadde : A Swedish guy, beast with uzi, an experienced shooter! Golden Uzi!