hey guys you all might be knowing about our new server which has been opend for practise
http://braadforums.tk/you all are new to AAD gamemode excpt few so i'll give you a quick and a short turiol so its easy for u all to understand the gamemode
and i am warning Gangsta Pavel and Redbull for that crapy thing that they did yesterday like kicks warns and bans
so all the members are lvl 2 excpt few which i have made lvl 3
in server lvl 2 admin is having all the usefulll commands to start bases arena interiors and bla bla
if a base is started the mode is to be set to 0 use /balance to balance team equally if some one missed the weapon set so use /givemenu [player id]
if a team death match (tdm) starts mode is set to be 1 weps are given automatically you have to stay in arena and fight if you are out of arena a countdown will start on your screen and if it is over and u are out of arena u will be removed from round and the kills u contributed will be also removed from the team use /maxtdmkills to set the kills win limit by default it is 15 lvl 3 admins can change them
if you start a interior it wont much help ppls but best if to use it with mode 4
if you want all vs all then set mode to 5
or all vs [clan/1 player] use /allvs [tag/name of player]
dont abuse refilling ur health in round bases pr arena will get u demoted espacially for michael and salva ( using /heal and /jetpack)
if u want to have 1 on 1 duel use /duel [playerid]
and if you want to fight in lobby use /deagle /saw /tech9 /sniper /sawnoff /pump /spas
use /dm [1-12]
or /dz select the weapon u want to fight
when round start use /pause to pause /unpause to continue
for terror team when u r at ut base /v [vehicle name] to spawn a vehicle and run away to the red marker when it will be the defenders spawn
there are 2 way to win in a base stand on the checkpoint for 24 seconds or kill all the opposite team members for defender's only way to win is killing all the terrors
u can only see your team members in the radar/map
use ! for team chat
/add to add a player in round /remove to remove
/readd to add a player again
/setteam [playerid] [teamid] 0 for terror 1 for defender 2 for refree 3 for attaker subs 4 for defender subs
will change the player's team
base commands
/startbase /random base /add /remove /readd /pause /v /givemenu
TDM commands
/starttdm /add /remove /readd /pause
Interior commands (mode 0)
/startint /randomint /add /remove /readd /pause /givemenu
and rest you will learn when you play