re you thinking about joining some other clan:(yes or no)No
What is your name in game:GhostRider
Are you admin:No....
What does BR mean:Black Revenge
Name some BR members: [BR]TuningStyle[JG],[BR]FaqahaT__,[BR]Grifas,[BR]Gangsta_Pavel,[GEO]HAWK[BR],[BR]NWA,....
How old are you:10
What is Your Gender ? [Male , Female]?Male
Why do you want to join BR clan:It's server clan.And good clan.
Tell my BR rules:When your BR you can only use BR clan,No multiaccounts,no car kill/heli kill,no abusing,No spaming,No insulting,No drive-by,No hacks,No abusing server bugs,No asking to vote for your apply,No making fake BR accounts,..
Where are you from:Croatia
What's your daily activity on the server:2-4Hrs
Which languages can you speak?:Croatia,English
Did you ever get banded from server if did tell us the reason:Never
Please tell us your in game stats: (Kills/deaths/K/D ratio/playing time) [/stats](show us a SS)
I need my 8 hrs refund
Also If accepted you will be on a 1 month Probation trial if you mess up anytime during that 1 month you will be kicked out do you understand the agreement [Yes , No]?Yes
1: Kill 3 BR members without refilling health/armour Already killed
2: Kill a tester in walking weapon duel
3: Kill a tester in running weapon duel
4: Kill 5 BR members in a row
5: The player should be a semi pro/pro in a weapon
6: More than 30 kills in a row
Some rule according to be BR are
1: Always help your clan members
2: Never run from a fight if started
3: Should be able to kill 2 opponents alone
Rate Yourself
Running Weapon:- 10/10
Walking Weapon:- 10/10
C Bug :- 9.5/10
2 Shots :- 10/10