What is your name in game: [Cali]TeoHaze8 .. I won't be a Cali anymore.
What does BR mean: Black Revenge.
Name some BR members: Faqahat, Corz, Emna 11, Adidas, Smokerz, Phoenix, Cobra.
I also know LuiisRubio but don't know if he's a BR or just the scripter of the community.
How old are you: I'll be 17 on the 27 Of September!
What is Your Gender ? [Male , Female]? Male
Why do you want to join BR clan:Because it's a well-organized nice clan, with friendly people, and i like how is the server.
Please tell us your in game stats: (Kills/deaths/K/D ratio/playing time) [/stats]
14 kills/ 19 deaths, 0.73, 5 hours 4 minutes..