Cookie shop Suggesion:
Buy a chainsaw for so many cookies
Buy a go kart for so many cookies
Buy a RC plane for so many cookies [Non killable ones]
Buying neon for your car, be pretty cool to add neon to your car with a range of different colors, something like this, you could even add it to your bike.
Top killstreak:
So with your stats you could have highest killstreak, so your highest killstreak say is 142 it would be cool to show this off, instead of having a million HOLY SHITS for no bragging rights.
Extending on this:
You could have killstreak leaderboards
Favorite weapon: Another thing for your stats where you can see which weapon is your favorite, meaning the most kills you have with that weapon.
For eg:
Favorite weapon: Combat shotgun - 1341 kills
Shows how many cookies you have on your stats:
eg: Cookies: 1342
Skins been added for saving: Skins like ryder, smoke and sweet can't be saved. So you can only /setskin my suggestion is to /saveskin [Ryder, smoke and sweet skinid] so we don't lose it on death.